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Investment Management

Investment Approach


Granite’s investment approach can be categorized as a fundamental and research driven approach to investing in opportunities exhibiting catalysts for positive change.

Investment Principles

We believe in customized solutions to achieve investment goals.

  • We utilize a disciplined investment approach

  • Preservation of capital is critical to success

  • We believe in the power of diversification

  • There is no single optimal asset allocation

  • We focus on superior risk adjusted performance

  • After-tax returns are the most important element of achieving financial goals

Identify Investment Goals and Objectives


Before formulating an investment policy it is imperative to meet and discuss with our clients their investment needs, goals and objectives.

  • Current wealth and asset allocation evaluation

  • Liquidity and income needs

  • Time horizon

  • Risk tolerance and performance expectations

  • Tax considerations

  • Future expected cash flow

  • Restricted Securities

Design a Customized Portfolio


Once a client's unique goals and objectives have been identified , building a customized portfolio sets the foundation for long term success.

  • Identify return objectives

  • Set performance benchmarks

  • Create investment policy statement

Construct Portfolio


Portfolio construction starts with a wide variety of investment options provided by both our proprietary in-house research as well as other proven organizations.

Asset Classes

  • Cash Management

  • Fixed Income - Taxable and Tax Exempt

  • Equities - Domestic and Foreign

  • Alternatives

  • Real Estate

Investment Vehicles

  • Individual Securities

  • Private Investment Funds

  • Mutual Funds

Build the Optimum Portfolio


Monitor, Review, and Communicate


Client service is paramount to our business. We strive to provide direct, open and honest evaluation of portfolio performance and suitability.

  • Review investment policy

  • Meet with clients at regular intervals

  • Provide quarterly performance reporting and market commentary

Granite reserves the right to limit the number of clients or assets invested in the strategy at any time. As such, the strategy may be unavailable to certain new investors. Please contact Granite for further information or for the status on a particular strategy.

Past performance is not indicative of future results. Information presented here should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell a particular security. Granite Investment Partners, LLC is an independent, registered investment adviser. More information about the adviser including its investment strategies and objectives is available upon request. The material presented here is not financial advice. It should not be assumed that any of the strategies discussed were or will prove to be profitable, or that the investment recommendations or decisions we make in the future will be profitable. Certain tax-managed strategies should not be construed as tax advice; clients or prospective clients should seek tax advice from their tax professional. The information on this website is for informational purposes only.

© 2010-2023. Granite Investment Partners, LLC. All Rights Reserved

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